
Volunteer Overview

Volunteer Guidelines

Volunteer Policy

Volunteer Information Form

Volunteer Declaration Form

Volunteer Agreement Form

RNC  Code of Conduct & Vulnerable Sector Check 

** Please email carolinemanning@nlschools.ca for institutional letter required for free code of conduct and vulnerable sector check required for online application above.

 At MDE we value our volunteers!  Please check the volunteer positions below regularly  to see what options are available.  Volunteers are required to be knowledgeable in guidlines/policy and are encouraged to read our overview link to the left.  A short meeting with the school may be requested.  RNC certificate of conduct must accompany your application should the volunteer position require it and are free of charge with a letter from the school.   If interested in volunteering at MDE this year please complete the online forms to the left once everything is in order a staff person will be in touch.  If you have any questions you can email kerrywalsh@nlesd.ca

 Volunteer Positions Link

Library Learning Commons Memo

Interested in Coaching at MDE

Please complete volunteer forms above and view policy, regulations, guidelines, and expectaitons on the links to the left.  Please contact our Physical Education teacher kerrywalsh@nlesd.ca to start the process!